
Weird is the word I use when I can't think of anything else

This city can be weird sometimes. Or maybe it's me that's weird. Maybe we're both normal and weird things just happen to us. Maybe there's nothing weird about any of it.

My friend Kent had a photo opening last month. I attended. It was a beautiful night. His photos are great. Well lit and framed. And calm like the ocean on fire. I won my favorite in the raffle that night. It will hang in my kitchen.

What is weird about the city is the MTA's attempt at structural enhancements in the subway.

I was really late to the game concerning lolcats. But recently I've been more into them. They combine my two favorite things: cats and gonzo journalism.

My friend Laura gave me that one.

Sometimes weird can be dangerous. Like at my temp job.

But I've always thought weird was cool.



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