
I heart me

How I spent Valentine's Day.

I woke up. Made a good breakfast. Bagel with cream cheese, eggs, bacon, oatmeal, coffee sweetened with brown sugar and an orange.

Saw a friend's show.

Then I went home.

Then I went to a show at the Ontological-Hysteric Theater by The Theatre of the Two-Headed Calf. I liked it. I would like to work with them someday.

Then I went to Finnerty's just a few blocks away. They used to have a shot of whiskey and a PBR tall-boy for $6 but not anymore. I texted my friend Eric who I calculated was probably the only guy I seem to know right now that is not in a relationship. He was out with some other friends of ours celebrating a birthday. So I went there and hung out, played pool, watched the Olympics and drank Guinness.

This weekend I also painted my nails black and was wearing eyeliner.


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