
About Time

So I'm finally writing a post to make good on my promise to update this blog and keep Alan entertained from thousands of miles away. Making Alan laugh was my only goal in high school because it made me laugh too. So with all the years I built up laughing with him I hope to break even with all the years I've been killing during my time in NYC.

So here is my State of Starr address: a year ago I quit my perm day job. I hated it. It was sucking the life out of me. I hated my boss and I hated myself. The only thing keeping me sane was the theatre I'm always doing. So I leaped out of that into two weeks of sweat inducing voluntary unemployment until some temp jobs, carpentry and lighting jobs started coming in. And somehow I survived in one of the worst economic times of this century. I lost weight. 30 lbs. Even with my moderate to heavy to drinking.

Losing my dad was the only thing that really took its toll on me. 61. Stroke. A man I'd only known 12 years...due to family history. Loss. But I'm getting to know my brothers better and that whole side of the family that I never met before. New aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews and a new grandmother. Even a set of extended family I'm not related to...due to family history.

Everything is going to be ok.

I saw this at a museum in DC the last time I visited Cody and Jean.

And Alan, I'm going to be an uncle again. They are having a baby due in July-ish.

The State of Starr is good.


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