
i'm posting from gmail....i hope.

ok let's test this thingy out. apparently you can post to the blog from a "secret" email address, instead of having to log in and post from the dashboard, etc. i'm truly amazed how far we've come recently...although i'm still not sure what twitter is or why anyone would even want to participate. i also remember back to freshman year of college (94-95) when i used to carry around the email addresses of EVERYONE i knew that had email on a slip of paper about the size of a receipt. oh those were simpler times.

anyway, enough ramblin'....i'm off to study for arch test #8 (out of 9), but thought i'd try this feature out.


Starr said...

Speaking about coming along way in the information age, my first two years at junior college we didn't have email at Panola. I still had to write actual letters to Alan. And he made plenty fun of me for it.

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