
Only in Dreams...

Woke up this morning while sleeping hard. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of a dream, it makes it much harder to wake up, and makes me much more tired throughout the day. Today was one of those days.

The upside of this is that you usually remember what you were dreaming, because it's so fresh in your mind (although you usually don't get to know how the dream ends). This morning's episode featured my boss now...partner/owner of the arch firm I work for...interviewing none other than Starr himself, for a job at my firm. Don't remember much, but I remember just stressing over it when I saw my boss heading into the conference room with a pad of paper, smiling...and I thought to myself "wow, he must have the wrong impression if he thinks Starr is qualified for THIS job..." (no offense Starr...just not exactly your line of work). Not really sure why I cared one way or another, but I guess I was worried that some underqualified guy interviewing for a job as an architect...and wearing combat boots...would reflect poorly on me.

Oh well...hope you got the job, Starr.


Goin' Back to Cali

In the words of the great James Todd Smith... I'm goin' back to Cali. Ok so I've never been before, but I am going this week. It's an in-law family trip out there, and I'll be flying out with Erica Thursday night, then coming back "early" on Tuesday (she stays a full week until the next Thursday). We're hoping to do Disneyland for a day, definitely spend some time on the beach (staying 2 blocks away), and we'll see what else. We are staying in Carlsbad, CA, which is about 30 miles north of San Diego.
Now, to get my bag and SPF 300 sunscreen packed.

...she said... she liked... the o-cean.


a classic...reissued.

Listen to all 36 tracks... including 16 b-sides and rarities
at checkyourhead.beastieboys.com


i'm posting from gmail....i hope.

ok let's test this thingy out. apparently you can post to the blog from a "secret" email address, instead of having to log in and post from the dashboard, etc. i'm truly amazed how far we've come recently...although i'm still not sure what twitter is or why anyone would even want to participate. i also remember back to freshman year of college (94-95) when i used to carry around the email addresses of EVERYONE i knew that had email on a slip of paper about the size of a receipt. oh those were simpler times.

anyway, enough ramblin'....i'm off to study for arch test #8 (out of 9), but thought i'd try this feature out.


Safer: New York or Denver

I haven't compared statistics but does Denver have its own condom? And it's free!

Alan is married so he probably dosen't know the answer to this question. 

I know Overton doesn't have one but I wonder what it would look like. Alan, please design one on photoshop and we'll propose it to the city council.


So who the hell was Everett, and what was the Bunker, anyway?

Starr: I don't remember much about this man. But he lived in our hometown. He drove around in a white car with his name labeled on it. I think he flipped Alan the bird once.

He also had a self-built bunker down by a creek on the road we called Dead Man's Curve, with a sign that literally said "Everett's Bunker U.S.A.". Sometimes when Alan and I were cruising around town we would drive by this bunker. One fateful night we drove by and I rolled down the window and yelled "Make me a love potion, Everett!" I think I freaked Alan out a bit. But overall he found it funny. After that night everytime we drove by Everett's Bunker I yelled some other stupid thing. And anytime I'm visiting Overton I (and sometimes Al if we're both home at the same time) drive by and yell something new. Except the last time I tried the road was closed.

I don't know if he was ever down there when we would drive by but I always hoped he heard me.


Helloooooooooo Brooklyn!

Welcome to our new blog, Starr. Enjoy.

Let me know what ideas you have for layout/graphics/style/sections/anything. Otherwise, it's an open canvas, and we'll see where it takes us.

Have fun.
